Saturday, January 26, 2013

Why Do We Cry After A Breakup? Alaa Amin Answers

Alaa Al Amin is yet another guy to join the ranks of guys who feel cheated by the one they have loved. He is a young voice with that famous Shami good looks, I am not the one to enjoy cry songs if they are just average. I have heard more than my fair share of breakup songs, and this guy does not quite do it for me. I do not feel like enjoying a breakup song with a dance melody.

Alaa released an album in 2012 with a collection f those party and folklore songs, it was sold locally and sold well. It lives on the internet now, and Alaa's songs have been given the YouTube treatment. The song is about love turncoats, who take you for a fool and then dump you by the road as they move on with their lives leaving you collecting the pieces. He rightfully dubbed the song, Tob Al Ghader the clothes of Betrayal.

علاء الامين - توب الغدر 2012


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